Patriot Features honors veterans of America’s conflicts with a professionally-produced, short documentary of their service story. It’s their sacrifice – never forgotten.
In addition to the veterans’ service story, each Feature focuses on who the veteran is, telling the story of their family, career, and pursuits. We tell the story of the soldier…and citizen. The finished product is a 10-12-minute compelling documentary that links the current and future generations to the veteran.
Our mission is 3-fold:
– A gift for the veteran and their family
– An education for future generations
– An archive for the Nation
Specifically, these short documentaries are given to the veteran and their family at no cost, and with no strings attached. We help them pass their values to future generations in their family. Each Feature is also made available to schools, universities, museums, and many other events/requests for the purpose of education – again, at no cost. In this way, they serve as a historical reminder of the veteran’s contribution to our great country, and the sacrifices required to secure and maintain our freedom.
Finally, every documentary will be housed online as a national repository of remembrance, ensuring their stories of sacrifice will not be lost. Combined with other Patriot Features, each will represent a collective contribution to the US war and military service experience, and the securing of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness we enjoy.
You can thank a veteran in a tangible way:
By partnering with us in making a generous donation (or recurring monthly gift), you directly help the veteran pass their values and leave their legacy. It’s a tangible way to ‘thank them for their service’. Additionally, your giving reaches the entire family of the veteran, their future family, students around the Nation, and all those who will view the veterans’ Patriot Feature. You literally impact an untold amount of people. It’s truly saying “thank you” to a veteran.
Patriot Features is a 501c3 non-profit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible. Your generous giving will tell the stories of these heroes, and ensure their sacrifice is truly…never forgotten.
[If you are experienced in video production and would like more information about becoming a Patriot Features Producer, please reach out to us via our contact page, and provide a link(s) to work samples. We’d like to talk with you!]
NBC Action News (KC) story on Patriot Features:
Kansas City Star shares the story of Patriot Features: