- Name: Lou Eisenbrandt
- Age: 73yrs.
- Service Period: Vietnam
- Branch: US Army
- Introduction:
"For some reason the term 'Angel of Mercy' has come into play. And I really never heard that when I was in Vietnam...I'm not an angel by any means, but considering the work we did, I suppose it's a compliment to be called an 'Angle of Mercy'. "
– Lou Eisenbrandt
10,000 women served in Vietnam. 7,000 were nurses. If there were a war that needed 'angels of mercy' (and all wars do), it was Vietnam. Serving in the ER at Chu Lai, Lou witnessed firsthand the human devastation of that brutal conflict, and in later life, its far-reaching tentacles affecting her health today. No wonder things like Bob Hope, singing, and ocean water skiing are part of her story...a respite from from unimaginable things, without which, who could go on?
This is: "Eisenbrandt, a service story".